MPR today broadcast a well-done summary of the bird-hitting-window-glass issue. There was an interview with a vet about injuries and treatment. There was an interview with Dr. Daniel Klem, an ornithologist whomhas devoted much of his career to the window-strike issue. And then there was me. I was intervviewed by the reporter. It went well. Nice young lady.

However. If you heard this on the radio, you heard me say that my feeders are close to unmarked windows because I want to see the birds. Period. True to a point -- three large windows face the feeders on our deck. Two are screened. The other holds decals meant to warn birds away. Omitted, and I swear I said this, was my explanation for having feeders easily seen. I believe that birds at feeders, close enough for detailed observation -- 10 or 12 feet -- can be a good idea IF it helps people become interested in and attracted to birds sufficiently to influence their overall conservation outlook. It you like birds, hopefully you will express concern in bird-friendly ways. Familiarity breeds affection and informed behavior. Birds need friends.

That is certainly what I meant to say, if it wasn't on the tape. Feeders can endanger birds. A window unprotected is a bad idea. Let's all do the right things for birds. I try to do that. Really.