Washington County police blotter excerpts

January 31, 2015 at 8:00PM


JAN. 1

Driving complaint. A resident of St. Croix Trail reported that a blue four-wheeler drove through his yard. A deputy checked tracks in the area and determined none were on the property in the area reported.


DEC. 27

Snowplow complaint. A driver stopped at a light at Frenchman Road and Victor Hugo Boulevard reported a county snowplow clearing the intersection backed up and nearly hit his vehicle. The caller said the near-accident upset his children in the vehicle with him.


DEC. 28

Suspicious activity. An older man in a tan station wagon was reported driving slowly near mailboxes and on the wrong side of the road in the area of Jane Road and Jane Court. A deputy contacted the man, who was delivering newspapers.


DEC. 28

Dumping complaint. Someone in a red Grand Am was reported dumping trash on a corner in the 16000 block of Upper 12th Street. The complainant told authorities it was a weekly occurrence.


DEC. 27

Fireworks complaint. Fireworks were reported being shot out of a vehicle traveling eastbound in the 100 block of Quality Avenue. A deputy checked the area but was unable to locate the vehicle.


DEC. 20

Medical call. An officer responded to a report of a man who had fallen in the 6200 block of 12th Street. The man told the officer he fell two days ago and had been unable to get up since then. Members of the Oakdale Fire Department also responded and provided medical service to the man.

Theft. A bell ringer for the Salvation Army was witnessed and reported to have taken money from the kettle outside Mills Fleet Farm, 5635 Hadley Av. The report said the ringer admitted to taking $55 from the kettle and, because the Salvation Army requested that no charges be filed, was released.

DEC. 24

Noise complaint. Police received a report of men playing football in the street in the 1700 block of Helmo Road at 12:30 a.m. An officer located the men, who agreed to quit playing for the evening.

DEC. 26

Careless driving. A pizza delivery man was reported speeding in the 1200 block of Granite Avenue. The complainant told police he confronted the driver, who pulled a baseball bat out of his vehicle. The complainant said he walked away at that point but wanted the incident noted.

DEC. 27

Theft. The passenger of a black Chevrolet Blazer reportedly took a shovel from a home in the 6700 block of 4th Street.


DEC. 22

Suspicious male. A man walking around a house for sale and taking pictures was reported in the 2600 block of Kempston Drive. An officer contacted the man, who was doing a home inspection.

Suspicious activity. A lean-to structure, possibly being used to sleep in, was reported in the woods near Ojibway Park. No one was in the structure when an officer found it but there were several bags containing information and property identifying a listed runaway who may have occupied it. The property was taken to his residence and given to his mother.

DEC. 27

Neighbor issues. A resident in the 6600 block of Falstaff Road told police that when getting out of their vehicle in a shared driveway their neighbor pulled up right next to them and started honking her horn and laughing at the complainant. The complainant said it has been an ongoing issue. Police advised the complainant to work with their homeowners association for shared driveway issues.

Items are selected from reports made to police departments and are not intended to provide a comprehensive picture of crime.

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