What women want

The late Nora Ephron would have gotten a kick out of "Good Girls Revolt," and not just because she's portrayed with just the right dose of spunk by Grace Gummer, soon to be known for more than being Meryl Streep's daughter. The series, set around the same time the boorish behavior of "Mad Men" was starting to fall out of fashion, is set at a fictionalized New York magazine, but the real news is what's happening in the world outside the office, as women start to demand their rights. The look and cast, which also includes Anna Camp, Jim Belushi and Joy Bryant, are top-notch.

Now streaming on Amazon Prime

Lost in space

Conan O'Brien's track record as a producer of quirky comedies — "Andy Barker, P.I.," "The Jack and Triumph Show" — is long on ambition, short on success. Let's hope "People of Earth" can finally reward the late-night host and his team with the hit they deserve. Former "Daily Show" regular Wyatt Cenac is stone-cold hilarious as a skeptical reporter who is slowly won over by a support group of alien abductees in small-town USA. If the cross between "The X-Files" and "The Office" appeals to you, then beam aboard.

8 p.m. Monday, TBS

Death march

"The Battle of Chosin" may not be on Hollywood's radar, but this latest "American Experience" documentary makes a strong argument that it should. The turning point of the Korean War, in which Gen. Douglas MacArthur was outwitted by China's Mao Zedong, makes for a chilling example of both the price of overconfidence and the depths a man will dig to survive. Somber, heartbreaking testimonials from veterans fuel this important film.

8 p.m. Tuesday, TPT, Ch. 2

Neal Justin