Hey, now!

There may not seem to be much in common between Hank Kingsley and Maura Pfefferman, the best-known roles in Jeffrey Tambor's canon, but the 72-year-old actor brings the same quiet desperation to "Transparent" that he did to "The Larry Sanders Show," particularly in the Season 3 opener, as his transgender character goes searching for a suicidal youth through the not-so-mean streets of Los Angeles. Anyone wondering why Tambor and show creator Jill Soloway just picked up Emmys for the second year in a row should check it out.

Now streaming on Amazon Prime

The referee

Debate moderators always face scrutiny, but the spotlight will be particularly hot on NBC's Lester Holt as he faces the enviable and dubious task of trying to maintain control over the first of the three 2016 Presidential Debates. It may be the most anticipated political showdown of the TV era, one for which Holt will probably face criticism no matter how well he keeps his cool.

8 p.m., various channels

Live from New York

"Late Night With Seth Meyers" got a bump from going live during the political conventions, so it's no surprise that the show will take the same approach to the presidential debate. The show should seriously consider going live all the time to separate itself from the heated late-night competition and give itself an opportunity to react to headlines as they happen.

11:35 p.m., KARE, Ch. 11

Neal Justin