Parental guidance

In the 1970s game show "Tattletales," celebrity couples tried to read each other's minds without having to call a divorce lawyer. "Big Star Little Star" has roughly the same concept, except this time it is famous people paired with their kids, with little of the old model's sarcasm. It's a pleasant enough diversion, especially if your own children are sitting beside you.

8 p.m., USA

Getting the lead out

"Nova" may be an intimidating title, but the documentary series does as good a job as any "Science for Dummies" book explaining complicated issues in layman's terms. The latest example, "Troubled Waters," will trigger a whole new wave of sympathy for the residents of Flint, Mich. — and have you thinking twice before you fill a glass from your own faucet.

8 p.m., TPT, Ch. 2

New deal

Real-life drama and the stream of zingers coming from Washington, D.C., may make the return of "House of Cards" a less-than-anticipated event. It remains to be seen whether President Frank Underwood can entice us with a new bag of tricks in Season 5, but it's worth noting that the Kevin Spacey-led series led a revolution in streaming. His character may not deserve respect, but that accomplishment does.

Now streaming on Netflix

Neal Justin