The Fridley school board has named a district administrator as its new superintendent.

Peggy Flathmann, Fridley director of educational services, signed a three-year contract and will begin her new job on July 1. She replaces Mark Robertson, who was Fridley superintendent for six years and was named Minnesota Superintendent of the Year in 2009.

Flathmann, who will be paid $135,000 a year and up to $10,000 in annual performance bonuses, was district educational services director for four years. Before that, she managed the district's personnel, technology and curriculum activities.

Flathmann also worked in the Centennial School District, where she was a middle school co-principal, principal and district assistant superintendent. She also has been a high school principal, English teacher and counselor.

Robertson will retire effective July 15. During his tenure, the district pursued authorization for the rigorous International Baccalaureate program at the middle and elementary school levels and oversaw big air-quality and energy-efficiency projects in all district buildings.

Robertson also expanded corporate partnerships and secured grants to finance district initiatives. He said he will continue to be active in education, teaching an online Bethel University course for superintendents working on their doctoral degrees, and working as an independent education consultant.

The Fridley School District serves more than 2,400 students.