Fixit: Speed limit is the same for trucks, other vehicles

By KAREN YOUSO, Star Tribune

March 6, 2008 at 3:29PM

Q Why are semitrailer trucks allowed to go 70 miles per hour on freeways? (Sometimes faster; I've clocked them doing 80 mph.) Isn't that dangerous? It takes a long time to stop these big rigs, and they aren't exactly nimble vehicles that can handle evasive actions.

A You are correct. Semis take longer to stop and they can go out of control much easier when taking evasive action, according to Sgt. Don Marose of the Minnesota State Patrol.

They are allowed to go fast because Minnesota does not have a truck speed limit, as some other states do. The posted limit is what everyone is allowed to travel, Marose said. If they are in a 70 mph zone, they get to go that speed along with everyone else.

"I would be all for a 'truck speed limit,'" Marose said, "but I doubt that we would ever see that in Minnesota."

Stinky desk Q I bought an old roll-top wood desk at an estate sale, but it has a strong mothball odor. How can I get rid of it?

A Mothball odor is difficult to remove. The chemical breaks down over time if exposed to air, but the cracks and crevices of a desk have limited air exposure, which explains the persistent odor.

If the piece has monetary value, consult a furniture refinisher or antique dealer for advice or service. Otherwise, try moving the drawers outdoors during spring or summer to an area with plenty of air movement, but not in direct sun. After several days, you should be able to tell if this is working. (Don't let the drawers get wet; protect them from dew and rain.)

If this is ineffective, you could try sanding the drawer interiors with fine sandpaper, being sure to get into all the corners. Or try experimenting with an odor eliminator. Be sure to use one with no fragrance. (AtmosKlear, for one, is sold at many Ace Hardware stores and food co-ops.) Because it's a liquid, it can't be used on the finished areas of furniture, but it could be used judiciously on the unfinished inside of drawers.

Send your questions to Fixit in care of the Star Tribune, 425 Portland Av. S., Minneapolis, MN 55488, or call 612-673-9033, or e-mail Past columns are available at Sorry, Fixit cannot supply individual replies. Fixit appears daily in Source except on Friday.

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about the writer

KAREN YOUSO, Star Tribune