Like their beloved namesake and saint who rejected all worldly possessions, standing naked before his father, the spate of unclad students also demonstrated their commitment to St. Francis high school football with their act of naked spiritual purification ("St. Francis students learn that streaking isn't prank it used to be," Oct. 14). Though police cited sexual indecency in their arrest of the most recent streaker, the wearing of outrageous attire and partially disrobing as rites of worship are celebrated nationwide at the Church of Football. Check local listings for date and times of cheese on head. As to those underaged, fleshy, fleet-of-foot football fanatics, understand their inherent underage innocence and their sinister adult role models all around. Let their punishment fit the shivering crime -- or begin the roundup and prosecution of all of those insanely clad, semiclad and often inebriated idiots who worship Sundays at our largest televised football sanctuaries. STEVE WATSON, MINNEAPOLIS