Visitation senior guard Haley Housh has scored more than 1,000 career points during her high school basketball career. She is on the verge of becoming the school's all-time leading scorer. Here is some insight on Housh, who also plays lacrosse:
What is the best movie you've seen in the past year? There's just way too many. I recently saw "Django: Unchained" and really liked it.

Three songs I never skip on my iPod ... "What Goes Around" by Justin Timberlake; "Call It What You Want" by Foster the People; "Dancing in the Moonlight" by King Harvest.

What are your three favorite apps? Pandora; Instagram; Yahoo's Sportacular.

Who do you like to follow the most on Twitter, and why? My older brothers because they think they are a lot funnier than they actually are.

Three words or phrases my friends or teammates might use to describe me? Leader; competitive; goofy.

At my first varsity practice, I felt ... somewhat intimidated by the upperclassmen and their humor, but it only took about five minutes to adjust.

To get focused for a game, I ... listen to Eminem.

What is your goal for the remainder of the basketball season? My main goal is to have a great season as a team and to make my teammates look good while having fun on the court. Also, making it to the section finals would be a great way to end my high school career.

How do you balance school and sports during the year? It's hard to balance the schoolwork, especially at Visitation, but having a study hall is nice for getting busy work done before games.

Do you have a secret talent -- and if so, what is it? I have an unusual ability to remember and quote movie lines.