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April 10, 2017
In a photo provided by the White House, Donald Trump and administration figures are briefed on the strike on an air base in Syria at his Mar-a-Lago es

Readers Write (special edition): Syria

The combat role, diplomacy, the U.S. image, Trump's motivation, the Constitution.
April 7, 2017

Trump can capitalize on Germany, South Carolina and 'The Apprentice'

The apprenticeship model deserves a place in American education.
Craig Wilson
April 7, 2017
FILE - In this Wednesday, Aug. 24, 2016, file photo, truck and automobile traffic mix on Interstate 5, headed north through Fife, Wash., near the Port

Truckin' in Minnesota: Traditional distribution system is out of whack, ditto license fees

A weight-times-miles approach to vehicle license charges would make more sense, but big rigs on two-lane urban roads doesn't.
Nick McDonell
April 7, 2017
Residents walk amid the rubble of buildings they say were destroyed by airstrikes, in a neighborhood recently retaken by Iraqi security forces from Is

Civilian war casualties: Truth is, we value others' lives less than our own

It's one of the Pentagon's dirty little secrets, but there is an allowance for the number of innocents killed in U.S. airstrikes, though they are not targeted.
Ed Graff
April 7, 2017 ORG XMIT: MIN1608251440190397 ORG XMIT: MIN1701271408560450 ORG XMIT: MIN1703101450024810

Education funding: High expectations must be met by high support

Instead of reducing funding for students who already face significant barriers to learning, our state policymakers must be prepared to do the right thing.
Editorial, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
April 7, 2017

U.S. is creating more challenges for Somalia, without much aid

Attacks on Al-Shabab, without rules, will create collateral damage.
Dick Meyer, Scripps Washington Bureau (TNS)
April 7, 2017

Despair: The plague of the white working class

A vicious cycle of "cumulative disadvantage" literally leads to higher death rate. Just don't oversimplify it.
Bruce Peterson
April 7, 2017

The human tendency? Helpful.

We tend to give people the benefit of the doubt until they give us a reason not to. And even then, we're willing to forgive. A game called the "prisoner's dilemma" explains.
Stephen L. Carter, Bloomberg View
April 7, 2017

Declaration of war is the relic from a distant past

Every president has found a way to use force despite the constitutional power granted to Congress.
Lori Sturdevant
April 7, 2017

The art of investigating the president, from one who knows

How Minnesota's Dave Durenberger handled the developing news about the Iran-contra affair.
Doug R. Berdie
April 7, 2017
Illustration by Doug Chayka for the Star Tribune

Seven ways liberals must realign with Middle America

This is not about attacking the values of the left. It's about not pushing the electorate into the arms of the enemy.
John Rash
April 7, 2017
credit Kino Lorber for the images
Clash (Arabic: Eshtebak??) is a 2016 internationally co-produced drama film directed by Mohamed Diab. Set just after

Rash report: International film festival reflects global, and local, passages

Among the notable films is an Egyptian drama, "Clash," that examines the deep divisions that spiraled Cairo into chaos.
Leonid Bershidsky, Bloomberg View
April 7, 2017
In an image provided by the US Navy, a Tomahawk cruise missile is launched from the USS Ross in a strike on a Syrian air base on April 7, 2017. Presid

Trump picks off two birds, spares another

The Syrian attack temporarily sidelined the campaign against ISIS, but a bigger problem may be Moscow's need to save face.
Editorial, Dallas Morning News
April 7, 2017

Trump vows more drug treatment, but let's first prescribe fewer pain pills

Doctors are making it easier for patients to get opioids that aren't needed.
Jennifer Rubin
April 7, 2017

Trump launches cruise missiles: 'America First' explodes

Elections have consequences — like forcing those elected to get acquainted with the real world.
April 6, 2017

Trump administration makes the right move to protect bumblebees

It allowed endangered listing to proceed despite objections from business.
John Kass, Chicago Tribune (TNS)
April 6, 2017
FILE -- National Security Adviser Susan Rice, at the White House in Washington, July 22, 2015. Responding to reports in the conservative media that sh

Susan Rice, it's time to do what's right for the entire country

The former national security adviser, who suddenly finds herself in a hole of her own making, should testify before Congress and not duck out with the Fifth.
Rebecca Hersman, Foreign Policy
April 6, 2017
FILE -- This Tuesday April 4, 2017, file photo, provided by the Syrian anti-government activist group Edlib Media Center, that is consistent with inde

Syria: A catastrophic war in which criminality has no limits

Action, not talk, is what's needed on Syria's use of chemical weapons; a first concrete step would be imposing no-fly zones.
Noah Feldman, Bloomberg View
April 6, 2017
Supreme Court Justice nominee Neil Gorsuch is sworn-in on Capitol Hill in Washington, Monday, March 20, 2017, during his confirmation hearing before t

Gorsuch plagiarism verdict: Guilty, but strictly a misdemeanor

It's an embarassment, definitely, but not even close to a disqualification.
Iric Nathanson
April 5, 2017
Credit: Courtesy of National Archives
Photo Caption
An American soldier wraps another soldierís head wound at Varennes-en-Argonne, France (Septem

The shameful underbelly of the 'War to End All Wars'

Civil liberties and freedom of speech were among the first casualties in Minnesota, and across the country.
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