Nobody knows at this point how the Aaron Rodgers situation will be resolved in Green Bay, but suffice to say his tenure with the Packers is certainly in ... jeopardy.

Did I just make that pun? I did.

What does seem certain is that the drama involving the game show host/Packers QB and the only organization he has ever played for since being drafted in 2005 is not going away any time soon.

My favorite tidbit from the week: Rodgers reportedly referred to Packers GM Brian Gutekunst as Jerry Krause in a group text with teammates — a nod to the Bulls GM whose style led to the breakup of that team following their third NBA title and sixth in eight years in 1998.

It's a wonderfully petty little dig that was part of larger reporting suggesting Rodgers wants Gutekunst to be fired. AND it suggests that a teammate of Rodgers leaked the Krause detail to the media, which adds another dimension to where this story could go. If teammates start picking sides, the fun really starts.

But as I mentioned on Friday's Daily Delivery podcast, the real reason the drama is far from over is a practical one: As ESPN recently reported, any Rodgers trade — one that is still iffy at this point but has gained steam with strong voices like Peter King weighing in — has real salary cap implications for the Packers.

The Packers would save $16 million in 2021 cap space by waiting until after June 1 to deal Rodgers. In a year where the cap is quite tight because of the COVID reduction, that's a pretty big deal.

And if firing Gutekunst is a prerequisite to Rodgers considering staying in Green Bay, one can't imagine that decision will be made quickly or lightly. He has overseen the construction of rosters that have led to back-to-back 13-win seasons and NFC title game appearances.

While it could be argued that finding a new GM is easier than replacing a Hall of Fame QB, the Packers already have Rodgers' successor on their 53-man roster in Jordan Love.

In any event, it sets up a fascinating power struggle — one that doesn't figure to be resolved for several weeks, and one that figures to leave some in the Packers organization upset no matter what.

If you're a Vikings fan, there's really only one thing to do: Grab some popcorn and enjoy the show.