Here is a unique book aimed at introducing young and beginning birders to the world of raptors. It's a really good idea, with potential.

Plus, what a great way to fill an hour or two, should you have any to spare.

"The Raptors of North America: A Coloring Book of Eagles, Hawks, Falcons, and Owls" comes from the University of New Mexico Press, 88 pages showing 50 species, with a color photo of each bird to help with coloring choices. There is text to introduce each species, full-page drawings to be colored.

Artist Donald Malik has provided the drawings, Anne Price the text. She is curator at the Raptor Education Foundation in Colorado.

Think of the difficulties — speaking for myself — when you learned the plumage of warblers in the spring, not to mention fall. Or sparrows and shorebirds. Coloring an image surely would more firmly establish color patterns than simply taking repeated looks in a field guide.

The publisher calls this a creative and educational overview of these birds. Creative for certain! Helpful, too.

The 8.5x11 book, paperbound, is $14.95. If you can't find it in your bookstore, order online at