Earlier in her life Sara Jane Olson committed crimes,avoided arrest for decades, subsequently was identified, sentenced to prison,and has now served her time. Our criminal justice system has determined thatMs. Olson has paid for her crimes and that it is time for her to return tosociety. That is the role of our judiciary – not of our executive orlegislative branches of government. Our role as a society is to now determinehow we deal with that judicial decision. Being in South Africaas Sara Jane Olson returns to Minnesotato complete the terms of her parole, provides an interesting framework toconsider the controversy surrounding her release from prison. South Africa is, after all, known for its Truthand Reconciliation Commission that was created after the fall of apartheid toallow a forum for both victims and perpetrators of violent crimes to comeforward and tell their stories in public. There was no guarantee that theperpetrators would necessarily receive amnesty – most, in fact, did not – andalthough there is not universal agreement on the effectiveness of theCommission, many people credit the efforts towards reconciliation as a criticalstep in South Africa'sgenerally peaceful transition to democracy.

I am not suggesting that the charge of South Africa's Truth and Reconciliation Commissionand the circumstances surrounding Ms. Olson's imprisonment and subsequentrelease are similar. I do believe, however, that the broader issue ofreconciliation is one that must be considered in this – and other – cases,because the reality is that Ms. Olson will once again be living amongst us.

The prosecutors and the defendant have had their day incourt. Perhaps, if we are going to move forward as a community, we now need tohave our own version of truth and reconciliation in the Twin Cities. Creating apublic space where victims of Ms. Olson's crimes could come forward to telltheir stories and where Ms. Olson could respond to them may result in greaterunderstanding than simply allowing this controversy to continue to play out inthe press and gradually be forgotten.

Nobel Peace Prize winner and Chair of South Africa's Truthand Reconciliation Commission, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, has said that there canbe "no future without forgiveness." In cases like Sara Jane Olson's that may bedifficult to swallow – but it is worth remembering.