You wanted the focus on Tiger Woods back on the golf course? You've got it. But you have to take the rest of the baggage along with it because cumulatively, it adds up to one big bowl of wrong for Woods in these past six months. The car accident, the affairs, the time off, the robotic apology, the comeback, the loss to Phil, the missed cut, the bulging d ... disk (watch the language if you haven't seen that slip-up link yet) ... and now the news that his swing coach, Hank Haney, has resigned. Regardless of what you think of Haney and his influence on Tiger's career, one more piece of turmoil can't be deemed good news at this point. Tiger can't point the way that everything is headed right now, and that's way off course. The question, we suppose, is where do things go from here? (The other question, we suppose, is if Tiger was healthy and the PGA at Hazeltine was this year instead of next year, how much different would our four days of tracking him have been?)

What at one point was almost a foregone conclusion -- that he would catch and pass Jack Nicklaus on the all-time majors list -- is now at least up for debate. Woods has 14; Jack has 18. Tiger will be 35 at the end of the year. That's not old in golf terms, but stress has a way of aging even the seemingly superhuman. At one point, we would have guessed Tiger would breeze past Jack on his way to anywhere from 25-30 majors. At this rate, we still see him recovering enough to make the pass. Maybe losing Haney will be a good thing and he'll go back to his old stroke, as Johnny Miller suggested. He might be a little more scattered with it, but when he was on, he was untouchable. We can still see an older, perhaps wiser Woods bashing his way to 5 or 6 more majors -- and maybe even banking 1 or 2 more for nostalgia's sake well into his 40s. But with all that's going on, including now some very serious on-course stuff, we could also see him starting an accelerated fade -- like one of our tee shots that starts out stick-straight and heads so violently and quickly off to the right and into the rough.

Time will tell, but you just have to wonder now if Tiger has a tipping point.


Up next: Clearance Clarence and the return of Commenter Of the Week.