As millions of Americans embark on the annual ritual of tax preparation this year, many will buy tax software or hire human tax preparers — and it probably won't be cheap. Tax software can easily run $100; human tax pros charge $203 on average.

But there are options to cut the cost of tax preparation or even get it for free.

1. Free File. According to NerdWallet's 2021 tax study, 56% of filers will prepare their federal return themselves this year, and many will depend on tax software. Not everyone has to pay for that software, though. People with an adjusted gross income of $72,000 or less can get free tax software from Intuit, TaxAct, TaxSlayer and other companies through the IRS Free File program. How to get it:

2. Freebies. Tax software companies typically charge for their software, but many also offer a free version for people with simple tax returns. Each company's definition of "simple" can vary, but in general, the free options are for people who don't plan to itemize deductions and whose sources of income are mostly job-related rather than from investments, businesses or other means. How to get it: Tax software providers' websites.

3. Discount. If you want to hire a human to prepare your tax return, you don't necessarily have to pay the $203 average fee. Most tax pros offer discounts. According to the NATP, almost half of tax pros (46%) give breaks to clients' family members, 40% reduce prices for students and 29% shrink the bill for senior citizens. Many tax pros also offer discounts to new clients, returning customers or people such as veterans, police or clergy members, according to the survey. How to get it: Raise the topic with your tax preparer.

4. Tax clinics. Federal grant programs fund free Volunteer Income Tax Assistance clinics across the country for people with disabilities, language barriers or incomes of $57,000 or less. There are also free Tax Counseling for the Elderly clinics aimed at those aged 60 or older, as well as free help through the Department of Defense MilTax program for active-duty military and some veterans. These clinics operate through a variety of community organizations in all 50 states. (Due to COVID-19, some sites may be closed, and others may be drop-off or virtual only.) How to get it: Search or for a local clinic.

5. DIY. You don't have to pay someone to find out how much you owe the IRS or get copies of old tax records; you can request that information directly from the IRS online. You can also get a filing extension for free by filing the one-page IRS Form 4868 and getting it to the IRS by April 15. How to get it:
