The Traveler: Kari Grieman of Rosemount.

The scene: Grieman's daughter played among the cherry blossoms in Washington, D.C. The Tidal Basin, a manmade inlet, is ringed with cherry trees, a gift from Japan; the city has more than 3,000 of them.

The trip: A Thursday-to-Sunday trip made a perfect getaway, according to Grieman, who highly recommends a trip to D.C. for the National Cherry Blossom Festival. The festival is held each spring, and will run March 20-April 15 in 2018 ( "We were fortunate enough to be there on the day of the kite-racing event on the grounds of the Washington Monument. It was incredible to see kites flying as high up as the top of the [monument]," she wrote in an e-mail.

The photo: Grieman used an iPhone7 to get this shot. "In the hustle and bustle of the cherry blossom crowds, it can be difficult to capture a photo that is just right. Patience and the ability to snap numerous digital photos paid off," Grieman wrote. "We were attempting a photo with Gracie looking at us and then just went with the moment instead and let her enjoy splashing in the puddles and getting muddy."

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