Animal kingdom

"Arthur," TV's longest running animated children's series, kicks off its 20th season with an episode in which Buster imagines what life would have been like if he'd been born a genius. The series, broadcast in more than 80 countries, gets credit for longevity, but it's still a baby aardvark compared with "The Simpsons," which premiered in 1989.

5:30 p.m., TPT, Ch. 2

Vice squad

After a short delay, "Vice News Tonight" is ready for air. The nightly newscast, a bold move for HBO, should be a hipper, more liberally driven take on the headlines. Vice may be a bit too slanted and in your face for some viewers, but it's done solid investigative work online and on TV.

6:30 p.m., HBO

A new adventure

"Supergirl" is finally where she belongs. I enjoyed the first season of the series, especially Melissa Benoist's plucky performance, but thought it was a bad fit on CBS. Now the series has moved to the CW, where it stands alongside the network's other DC properties, including "The Flash" and "Arrow." The premiere episode is lots of fun, particularly when it focuses on Supergirl's attempts to date Jimmy Olsen, but a rather stiff Superman nearly spoils the party.

7 p.m., WUCW, Ch. 23

Neal Justin