ARLINGTON, TEXAS – The arrival of the Minnesota Twins in suburban Bloomington in 1961 and the arrival of the Texas Rangers in suburban Arlington in 1972 had this in common:

Both previously had been Washington Senators.

Arlington was a favorite stop in the AL during my five years (1974-78) as the Twins beat writer for the St. Paul newspapers. Later, Texas was also a spot on the schedule if a columnist wanted to take a road trip and do double duty; the Twins beat writers were willing to sacrifice three days in that summer heat.

The reason I enjoyed Rangers road games was the corps of beat writers from the Dallas and Fort Worth newspapers. It was a cast of characters led by the Morning News' Randy Galloway, who for a time feuded with owner Brad Corbett and would bring a small cooler of Lone Star Longnecks to the pressbox rather than accept Brad's free booze.

A man must have his principles.

Also in the 1980s, Dallas became home to a newspaper war — Morning News vs. Times Herald — that produced outstanding sports sections. The Morning News won in 1991, purchasing its bitter rival.

There was a period earlier when the Times Herald teamed Blackie Sherrod, the great Texas wordsmith, with egomaniac Skip Bayless. Blackie and Skip had a mutual disregard for one another, to the point they would use an intermediary to relay their column topic when sitting near another at a Cowboys game.

Family and friends assembled Friday at the Rangers ballpark for a memorial celebrating Gerry Fraley, an all-time great ball writer at the Morning News, who died May 25 at 64.

Fraley was hard-core when it came to competition. Legend had it, Gerry and T.R Sullivan, formerly at Fort Worth now at, didn't speak for 25 years. T.R. was the last to do a tribute Friday.

It was outstanding and also revealed they did talk twice: When Fraley's cancer diagnosis became known a couple of years ago, and when T.R. returned from a three-week absence after a health event in 2018.

Gerry and T.R. talked for a few minutes, wished one another the best, and went back to competing.

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Memories shared Friday on Arlington Stadium, the Rangers' original home (1972-1993):

Me: "Those giant crickets; they were the Bob Beamons of crickets. They would long-jump from the field and smash into the heat-smoked windows of the press box.''

Claire Smith (Spink Award, 2017): "Snakes! Walking to the visitors clubhouse under the third-base grandstand. … Donnie Baylor told me he had seen snakes. I was terrified.''

Me: "Yes, but waiters in the press box in the '70s. Young lady would bring a gin-and-tonic right to your seat a couple of times a game."