Snow globes have for decades been associated with kitsch. They've been the trinket or souvenir you buy from a cart to commemorate a skyline. You can learn to make them yourself with internet instructions using a jar, a little glue and pinch of glitter. But back when they were invented, they were elegant novelties made of heavy glass, showcasing intricate figurines. Orbs like these hark back to that time. Sure, you can still find and get a kick out of the mass-produced plastic variety. But these, made of heavy glass that reflects and captures light, feel magical as they create a never-ending, sparkling winter.

From left:

Crystal clear, $58,

Deer in winter, $58,

Lennox gold tree, $40,

Chanel, $350,

Owl, $7,

Ornament collection, $54 (set of 36),

Barbara Schmidt of studiobstyle in Minneapolis is a nationally known creative director and stylist.