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Cynthia M. Allen, Fort Worth Star-Telegram (TNS)
November 18, 2016
Protesters march on their way to Waterfront Park in Portland, Ore., on the third day of protests over the results of the 2016 U.S. presidential electi

Left's freak-out over Trump's win is absurd

As a conservative, I didn't vote for him, either, and I still have many concerns, but the craziness is starting to make me glad he won.
Pat Schaffer
November 18, 2016
Fred Matamoros/News Tribune/TNS

Here are the reasons I believe Trump poses a danger to us all

You Trump voters call us liberals "smug," but we have judged the man by his own words. He offered economic losers a false scapegoat.
Lori Sturdevant
November 18, 2016

Greater MSP and the talent pool: A mission to ease the election's ills

Coming together for our region's future is still a highly relevant goal.
D.J. Tice
November 18, 2016
A voter is reflected in glass at a voting site in this file photo.

The Electoral College still gets my vote

Another conflict with the popular vote gives me pause, but what's better?
Jim Abeler and Rod Hamilton
November 18, 2016

Health insurance: Choice and portability are the answers

Time for a fix in Minnesota.
November 18, 2016

Israel's right wing celebrates Trump's win with a risky move

Legalizing settlements on Palestinian land will be used against U.S.
Annette Meeks
November 18, 2016

A helping hand for the poorest of the poor

But you won't see something like a RAM medical clinic in Minnesota, where, of course, there are laws and regulations that forbid it.
Jennifer Rubin, The Washington Post
November 18, 2016
Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala. speaks to media at Trump Tower, Thursday, Nov. 17, 2016, in New York.

Sessions pick another sign that Trump intends to be Trump

Long plagued by (credible) charges of racism, his confirmation battle will be bruising.
November 17, 2016
Wheelchair bound person and helper - paper cutouts.

Many caregivers want out of union's iron grip

But the Dayton administration, which has long and beneficial ties to the public-employees union, is helping thwart their efforts.
Elizabeth Klodas
November 17, 2016
Maximart pharmacist Diane Yu picks out the prescription drug Lipitor for cholesterol at the pharmacy she works at in Palo Alto, Calif., Friday, Dec. 1

In preventive health care, diet makes more sense than pills

Nutrition-based remedies for heart disease and other ailments have no bad side effects.
Len Champney, The Philadelphia Inquirer (TNS)
November 17, 2016
In this Tuesday, Nov. 8, 2016 photo, supporters watch as results come in at the a GOP election party in Cedar Falls, Iowa. Donald Trumpís stunnin

On Trump, polls were only modestly wrong -- and here's why

The errors were a big deal, but not that large — mainly falling within margins of error.
Bryan Dowd, Roger Feldman and Pinar Karaca-Mandic
November 16, 2016

Haste in jettisoning Obamacare will invite chaos

The Affordable Care Act is anything but; however, it can be fixed with some patient — the key word — planning.
Dennis Carstens
November 16, 2016
FILE - In this June 1, 2016, file photo, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump wears his "Make America Great Again" hat at a rally in Sacrame

The liberal elites finally got their walking papers

I do not want the United States to be another failed, semi-socialist, bankrupt nanny state.
November 16, 2016

The election and Big Data's big fail

The Cubs, the Donald and the unpredictability of life.
Eli Lake, Bloomberg View
November 16, 2016
Russian President Vladimir Putin heads a meeting with senior military officials at the Black Sea resort of Sochi, Russia, Wednesday, Nov. 16, 2016. A

Trump may try to reset the reset with Russia

Clinton, Bush and Obama all have seen their efforts to manage Vladimir Putin fail. Trump may want to heed his own words.
Isiah Jones
November 15, 2016
Allison Fenderson, right, and Lisa Wilder, left, watch as the returns come in during an election party hosted by the North Carolina Democratic Party a

Blacks have a different take on the results than whites

I'm not so jaded that I can't understand the larger implications of a Trump presidency. And yet …
November 15, 2016

Talented civil servants are needed now more than ever

The wisdom of their experience can help inform Trump's policies.
November 15, 2016
FILE - In this Nov. 9, 2016, file photo, President-elect Donald Trump speaks during a rally in New York. CEOs of major companies are taking stands abo

What Trump's win looks like around the world

Minnesotans with exposure to global concerns share reactions to the election.
Tyler Cowen, Bloomberg View
November 15, 2016

The trouble with Trump's infrastructure plan

The partisan tables have been turned, but the principle is the same: Short-term gains do not necessarily equate to long-term economic strength.
Diana Sroka Rickert
November 15, 2016

Distraught by Trump's win? Advocate for smaller government

Perhaps now everyone can understand that allowing one individual to exert unchecked power is wrong, no matter who's in the White House.

Opinion Commentary

Commentary from topic experts and advocates in Minnesota and Star Tribune readers.