Age: 62, Party or principal: Republican, Job and title: Artist, author and poet, Neighborhood: Phillips, Website:

Priority, if elected: Crime #1. More police patrols. Twenty years of crime in our neighborhood must "STOP."

Ideas for job/population growth: I'm in favor of a casino, downtown, on the E Block and a casino at Canterbury Park and at the airport. Estimated $1 billion more to city budget.

Ideas to reduce crime: With a larger budget, I would hire more police to patrol high-crime areas.

Ideas to lower property taxes: Property taxes right now are very high and with the increase of the budget of $1 billion, I would lower property taxes. Did you support or oppose the Minnesota Vikings stadium package, approved by the city in May 2012? I supported it.

Should the city build a $200 million streetcar line along Nicollet and Central Avenues? Yes.

Should the mayor be allowed to appoint some school board members? Yes.

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