Brandon Roy, a central figure in T-Wolves fan angst in recent years, is reportedly going to retire because of his degenerative knee problem. This raises an interesting question, dear Wolves fans:
Mid-day talker: Brandon Roy, Randy Foye, Ricky Rubio, Chris Paul and David Stern
Good times.

If you had it to do all over again, would you want Brandon Roy instead of Randy Foye? Keep in mind Roy gave the Blazers a few spectacular years. He also might have been good enough as a rookie to form a dynamic duo with KG, thus keeping the Wolves from trading their franchise player. Then again, if you had kept him, you would be left -- at best -- with a retiring Roy and an aging KG. As it stands now, the Wolves flipped Foye to the Wizards for the draft pick that ended up being Ricky Rubio. We're not absolving Kevin McHale. But Roy's injury was issued as a red flag at the time of the Roy/Foye swap. And if not for that swap, the Wolves might not have Rubio now.
*Also, please do read Bill Simmons' evisceration of David Stern over the Chris Paul trade fiasco. We're not sure if the Sports Guy knows where all the bodies are buried -- like the commish does -- but we're fairly sure Stern is buried at the end of the column. Just for fun: The Stern/Paul story, in .gif form, found via SB Nation.

Richard Meredith, who graduated from Minneapolis Southwest, lettered for the Gophers from 1952-55.