A July 24 letter writer says conservative talk radio hosts compare favorably to the great Walter Cronkite because they both tell "the truth." However, the host whose demeanor and content remind me of Cronkite is Thom Hartmann of Air America (950 AM).

Like Cronkite, Hartmann talks with his audience, not at them. Hartmann has traveled all over the world and speaks intelligently on many subjects. But like Cronkite, he will admit when he does not know an answer, and will promptly admit when he has made a mistake. Hartmann is liberal but encourages different points of view and will even have guests on who disagree with him. His guests are always treated respectfully and his callers are never hung up on.

Contrast that with conservative talk radio, where they say "Democrat" and "liberal" like they're profanity, talk so loud you would think the listeners were hard of hearing, and surround themselves only with those who agree with them. And do you ever remember a conservative talk show host admitting being wrong? Thom Hartmann is far more like Walter Cronkite than any conservative talk host I've heard.