I do it myself!

This is a phrase 2 year old Vivian is using quite often these days to assert her independence.

This statement is often accompanied by an emphatic folding of the arms, maybe a lower lip pout and perhaps a stomp of the foot for good measure.

Ah, toddler autonomy is a mixed blessing. Of course I want her to become her own person, but I also want to hit some virtual pause button. Our little girl who needed us for everything is growing up so fast.

Putting on her shoes? " I do it myself!" Fine. Dressing herself? "I do it myself! " Okay. Changing her own diaper? "I do it myself! " Um, no. In this case, I must intervene, distract, deter and diaper. As a result she often walks around the house dressed in various shades of inside out and backwards pink clothing. But she's inside out and backwards with a proud and confident look on her face. Our little Miss Independence may be strong-willed and headstrong one moment. Then she'll throw her arms around me and give me a very European two cheeked kiss the next. That girl melts my heart. All by herself.