Minnesota Naughty

For the latest in its monthly History of Hip series, the Minnesota History Center is exploring Minnesota's risqué side. In the spotlight will be the pinup illustrations of St. Paul-born Gil Elvgren, arguably the greatest pinup artist of all time. From the mid-'30s until 1972, Elvgren produced more than 500 paintings, later compiled in the book "The Great American Pinup." Also on hand will be Susan Marks, author of "In the Mood for Munsingwear: Minnesota's Claim to Underwear Fame," which highlights the provocative ad campaigns of the locally founded lingerie company.

Style Dash

On your mark, get set -- shop! Contestants will battle it out this weekend at the Mall of America to win "most dramatic transformation" honors. Three participants will receive a consultation by Twin Cities stylists, then dash out to the mall for three on-trend outfits, which they'll display in a short runway show. It's too late to apply now, but you can find out more at www.mnfashion.org/springstyledash.