Dear Amy: Two years ago, my father-in-law called to inform his son (my husband) that he was being disinherited because, in my father-in-law's words, "We don't need his inheritance." He stated that his daughter who lives with him and takes full-time care of him would receive his money.

We moved seven years ago to be closer to our grandkids. Before our move, we fully participated in both of my husband's parents' care and occasionally helped to support his sister. She did not have a job or a home.

Admittedly, she does need his money more than we do, but I cannot get over the hurt of being cut out. Any advice?

Amy says: Your use of the word "disinherited" makes it sound as if your husband was due to inherit part of the estate, and now he is being denied because of some specific behavior on his part — or because the relationship with his father has deteriorated.

But from your description, it sounds as if the elder man has decided to direct his money toward the child who has spent the last few years earning it.

This daughter is receiving room and board, but she also is providing care that has a substantial monetary value. If the daughter inherits some money, this would help to provide for her into her own elder years, sparing your husband the worry (and possible expense) of taking this on.

This is your husband's issue — not yours. You don't describe how your husband feels about this, but if he has made his peace with this decision, then you should, too.

Photo editing

Dear Amy: I have many wedding pictures from my son's first marriage. I'm pretty sure I should replace the framed portraits around the house with the pictures of him with his new spouse. But what about all the other pictures?

I don't want to get rid of them; after all, she is the mother of my grandchildren. (We have a distanced but cordial relationship.) I want to be respectful of his current wife, and I want to be considerate of the feelings of my son and the grandchildren.

So, how should I handle the pictures? Should I just "kick the can" down a generation or two and give everyone all the copies and let them decide for themselves whether to cull or keep? Or should I be a revisionist and delete all the pictures that have the ex in them?

Amy says: Yes, display framed photos of your son and his current wife in your home. No, don't delete anything. And yes, leave photos from your son's first wedding for your heirs to go through after your (hopefully distant) demise.

These photos will take on a different resonance down the road. Imagine your grandchildren going through them together and enjoying the process as they make decisions about what to keep, copy, share and cull.

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