Anniversaries in 2015

2,000th anniversary of the Roman town of Emona (Ljubljana, Slovenia; A.D. 14-15): The city was in the middle of a major trade route to the Adriatic Sea and the Danube region, so it was a hot spot for the emperors and movers and shakers of the time. The special events started in 2014 and continue through September, including special tours (in Roman costume) and visits to two archaeological sites (

500th anniversary of Santiago de Cuba (July 25): Cuba's second-largest city after Havana was a focal point of the Spanish-American War and later the mid-19th century revolution that overthrew Fulgencio Batista. It is known for its popular African conga musical groups. Artists and historians will be creating tributes to the city and new cultural and heritage trails (

60th anniversary of Disneyland (July 17): Beginning May 22, the Anaheim, Calif., resort will celebrate its anniversary with three new nighttime spectacles and jewel-themed decorations and perks (

125th anniversary of the death of Vincent Van Gogh (July 29): Under the theme "125 Years of Inspiration," Van Gogh Europe has organized special exhibitions throughout the year at museums in Belgium, France and England as well as at the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam, where the groundbreaking "Munch: Van Gogh" opens Sept. 25 (

Jill Schensul