I've read some of the comments since the Glen Perkins story posted and want to point out a few things.

I read one comment that Perkins is a caner. While there are some members of the team who might not be happy with how he handled things last season, he's not a cancer. The Twins wound up rallying to force game 163 and winning the AL Central title, so I don't think he ruined their season.

True. Perkins didn't show up at the end-of-season festivities. But I heard one reason was that he knew we were waiting for him to ask him about his grievance, which he wasn't prepared to do at the time. And only Tiger can call a press conference to explain his side of the story with a watered down media corps.

I even read where Perkins has no heart. That's going overboard. After my sit down with Gardy (which resulted in a lengthy Q&A that will run in Sunday's edition's, Gardy pointed out that if Perkins pitches well everyone will forget what happened last year. Gardy repeated how much he likes Perkins and told stories about the year they traveled together during the annual winter caravan.

Perkins is left-handed and has talent. And, if he ends up being traded, don't be surprised if his career takes off.

Before you question his heart and call him a cancer, please remember that we don't know what he was feeling inside his arm. He might have been in some serious pain. Perhaps he lasted as long as he could have. Did he mishandle some things? Sure. But we can't slip into his body and figure just how much pain he was in.