If you've attempted to add houseplants to your space only for them to wither away, one culprit might be your light — a particularly vexing element to get just right.

"While a window may seem bright to your eye, the reality is there is typically much less light available to your plants than you think," Leslie F. Halleck, a certified professional horticulturist and author of "Gardening Under Lights," says via email.

"Most of the locations in our home would be considered low light unless they're immediately in front of a window that gets some direct sun," adds Raffaele Di Lallo, author of "Houseplant Warrior" and founder of Ohio Tropics.

And not all windows are created equal: While a west-facing window provides intense afternoon light and a south-facing one supplies ample light throughout the day, a north-facing window doesn't offer much overall light at all; east-facing windows generally supply a nice balance. Other factors, such as the season, the distance that your plant sits from the glass, and obstructions outside your home, further complicate things.

Luckily, many types of houseplants — often varieties that are found on the floors of jungles and forests in the wild — can do well in low light conditions. Just remember that "low light doesn't mean no light," says Lisa Eldred Steinkopf, founder of the Houseplant Guru and author of "Houseplants: The Complete Guide." She and our other experts also caution that some common recommendations for dim spots aren't actually naturally suited to them. One example is the snake plant, which thrives in sunlight in its native habitat. "It will survive [in low light], but it's slowly dying," says Steinkopf. "You'll see it become "straggly because it doesn't have enough energy."

So, while you won't find the snake plant on this list, you will find eight other recommendations, all of which can live happily in low-light spots.

1. Chinese evergreen

This plant, which grows up to 3 feet, has lance-shaped leaves that are great for adding brightness to a bedroom, shelf or desk that receives low light. Just make sure you choose a type with darker green foliage. "There are some varieties that are more brightly colored, or some varieties that are pink and red, but these need more light so that the colors don't wash out," says Di Lallo.

You'll know to water your Chinese evergreen when the top soil is dry.

2. Blue star fern

In the wild, ferns typically grow in shaded areas with limited light, often making them ideal roommates in homes with lots of dark areas. But that doesn't mean they're low maintenance — most ferns also need a humid climate and plenty of water to thrive.

"If you love ferns, but struggle to get them to survive in low humidity, then I'd highly recommend blue star fern," says Halleck. "This gorgeous fern has bluish-gray fronds, and is both low-light and low-humidity tolerant." And forgetting to water it won't be a death sentence: "Blue star fern can store extra water in its fleshy rhizomes, so you'll find this plant to be very resilient and tolerant of dry periods," she says.

3. Heartleaf philodendron

If you want a lush-looking plant without the bright light requirements of many tropicals, the heartleaf philodendron could be an ideal choice. This shelf-size plant has dangling vines with — you guessed it — heart-shaped leaves, making it a particularly attractive choice for an elevated perch where its greenery can dangle downward.

Not only can it tolerate low light, it can survive in low humidity as well. And, says Halleck, "you'll find it's also pretty resilient and forgiving when it comes to forgetful watering."

4. Hoya

Hoyas are often called wax plants for their waxy, green leaves. Many varieties grow well in a hanging basket or on a shelf from which their foliage can dangle. They are best placed near a window that does not receive too much direct light.

"One of the older varieties is Hoya pubicalyx, a vine that can be grown in north, east or west windows," says Byron E. Martin, president of Logee's Plants for Home & Garden and co-author of "Edible Houseplants." "You don't want them in south windows because the leaves will bleach out."

If you travel frequently or are haphazard with watering, this is a good plant to own. "They are very tolerant [of] dry conditions because they are epiphytic, meaning they grow in the trees of the tropical jungles," he says. "They go through long periods of drought, so if you grow it in your home and go on a two-month trip, the plant will be fine."

5. Peace lily

Peace lilies have bright-green, glossy leaves and — when in bloom — white, oval-shaped flowers. Though many flowering houseplants require a sunny spot, the peace lily can still produce blooms even in low-light situations. "I've had them situated far from a window and they're pretty forgiving as long as you don't let them dry out completely," says Di Lallo. "It's probably the best [option] for low-light-flowering houseplants that you can grow in a home."

Steinkopf keeps a peace lily in a window that looks out to a covered front porch, which means the plant only gets light in the morning. She says it's "happy" and that it has bloomed, though not as prolifically as it likely would with more sun.

6. Pothos

Because pothos are hardy and easy to care for, they are common beginner plants and readily available. "It's pretty much everywhere," says Di Lallo. "You can find it in nurseries and in big box stores." Pothos tolerate low light, and as a bonus, says Di Lallo, they're resistant to pests.

Consider the Jade pothos with its dark green, thick leaves that are more drought-tolerant so you don't have to water as much, says Steinkopf. Another option is the Golden pothos with stunning chartreuse and yellow foliage. These plants are on the smaller side, making them well-suited to shelves, plant stands or hanging containers from which their dangling vines can drape downward.

7. Silver pothos

Despite the name, the silver pothos, which has green and silver variegated leaves, isn't actually part of the pothos family; it belongs to a different genus. But similar to the pothos types above, it's also ideal for placing on a shelf or in a hanging basket from which its vines can dangle.

Steinkopf has had a silver pothos for years that appears in her book. "It's 5 feet from a west window in my bathroom, and it still looks as good as it does in the picture," she says.

8. Watermelon peperomia

This type of peperomia is a compact plant with variegated leaves whose green and white stripes resemble watermelon skin. In their native habitat of South American tropical rainforests, they're found on the jungle floor, says Martin, which means they're well adapted to getting little light and also to dealing with periods without water. Give them a drink when the top layer of dirt is dry to the touch.

Lauren David writes about gardening and sustainability.