Oxton has a chance to accomplish a feat in his final year of high school that most athletes can only dream about -- playing in three state tournaments. He was a wide receiver on the Panthers' football squad, a guard on the basketball team that advanced to state this month, and qualified for the state golf tournament a year ago.

The best movie I've seen in the last year? "Act of Valor."

Three words or phrases your friends or teammates might use to describe you? Calm; funny; athletic.

How do you balance school and sports? I do most of my homework during study hall.

How did you get started playing sports? My whole family loves basketball, football and golf. So I guess from them.

What is your most memorable moment as a high school athlete? Scoring a touchdown in state [football tournament] at the Metrodome.

What did you work on in the offseason? Getting stronger, so I can hit the ball farther.

What are your goals for the golf season? Get back to state again, and finish in the top three.

Who is your favorite college or pro sports team and why? The Minnesota Timberwolves, because they are actually pretty good this year.

In 10 years, I hope I'm ... making a lot of money and have a nice house.

What is the best sports advice you ever received? "It's never as good as it seems, and it's never as bad as it seems."