With the creation of a Presidential Exploratory Committee former Governor Tim Pawlenty has all but announced his intention to seek the Republican endorsement in the 2012 presidential campaign, and why not? He has to be looking at the contenders and thinking to himself, if they can run for president, why can't I?

Look at the presumptive field of candidates. Mitt Romney – A former governor from a progressive state, who doesn't play well to conservatives, is rather lackluster himself and, although a front-runner for the Republican nomination, would find it difficult to win the general election. Sarah Palin – The Republicans made the mistake of choosing Palin over Pawlenty once, would they really do it a second time? Mike Huckabee – A win for Obama if the Republicans select him. Newt Gingrich – Way too much baggage to go up against a president who doesn't talk about family values, but embodies them. Jeb Bush – Even he must be tired of the Bush family's occupation of the White House. Ron Paul – The Ross Perot of 2012. Bobby Jindahl – Young and smart enough to sit this one out and gain more experience. Michele Bachmann – Her nomination would set the Republican Party back years. There are others, of course, and the nomination might ultimately go to a dark horse that no one is currently discussing. But when you look at what the Republican Party has to choose from, Tim Pawlenty has earned the right to enter the fray as much as anyone else. My politics are to the left of all of these individuals, but that doesn't mean I don't respect public service and the willingness for politicians, of all parties, to present their ideas and opinions in the public square. I may disagree with where Tim Pawlenty wants to take the country, but I admire his determination to put himself out there; to not sit on the sidelines or simply offering political punditry as a talking head on cable television. Having Tim Pawlenty in the race makes it a much more interesting campaign for Minnesotans. Now, if Michele Bachmann would only form a Presidential Exploratory Committee. That would create a campaign season unlike any we've ever seen before.