We have the details on Woody Allen's new movie: it's a romantic comedy with black and white titles and a soundtrack taken mostly from the 40s and 50s. A young woman may possibly be fascinated by a neurotic older man, or a younger leading man may exhibit all the neurotic ticks of a New Yorker who grew up in the 40s, speaking in a stilted mix of of outdated Freudian references and Borsch-belt jokes. Women find it irresistible!

We do know this: it's . . .

Ms. Bruni-Sarkozy is reportedly nervous about her acting, but she shouldn't worry. If she's cast as a Forces of Nature, to use one cliche favored by Allen, she can overact. If she's Cool and Cerebral, another Allen cliche, she can just stand around and look chic.

In related news, Sarkozy's father turns out to be an old guy who spends his time painting tattooed giraffes and women in black stockings.