After 6 hard months of practicing and training, our team has reached our final destination! Hello Vancouver or what the locals call VanCity!

Our team landed Sunday in Vancouver after 10 days of training in Colorado Springs. Upon Landing we were taken to Team USA processing. Processing if where we pick up our athlete credentials and receive all of our Team USA apparel provided by Ralph Lauren and Nike. Now I am not a big shopper but the shopping at processing I can handle. Imagine getting a shopping cart and going around a big banquet hall and having people hand you what you need to wear, have you try it on andthen they alter it to make it fit just right! I could get used to that!

The next morning we all donned our new clothes and were ready and excited to check into the Olympic Village!

Our team has had a pretty busy schedule since we have arrived in Vancouver but I am looking forward to sharing my experiences through out the Olympic Games when I can find a moment to write.

Thanks for all of your support back home in Minnesota!