Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Historical photograph of portrait of James S. Rollins. In background is the original Academic Hall of the University of Missouri. On the paper that Rollins is holding is written "Education and Freedom for All."


Academic freedom is the freedom to discuss all relevant matters in the classroom, to explore all avenues of scholarship, research, and creative expression, and to speak or write without institutional discipline or restraint on matters of public concern as well as on matters related to professional duties and the functioning of the University. (June 12, 2009) SECTION II. ACADEMIC FREEDOM.

Occasionally readers of this blog or other social media seem to feel that somehow my commentaries are inappropriate, e.g.

Actually, I consider it to be part of my job as a faculty member and alum to speak out about what is happening at my university in order to increase public awareness about current priorities and events at the University of Minnesota. Hopefully this awareness will lead to improvements and priority changes at our university.

Next week I will be posting on: The Cost of Education. Since the Morrill Hall Gang at the University of Minnesota apparently has the chutzpah to go over to the state legislature and demand an increase in our allocation, I think a little reality check is in order.

A "sneak preview" is available on the Chronicle of Higher Education Brainstorm Blog.