How does gift giving go in your house? Do you ask your friends and family what they want for the holidays and then dutifully fulfill that order? Do you use it as simply a guideline? Or do you go completely free-range and get them something you think they might need or want without regard to their request?

I came from the "be glad for whatever you got" type of family. Presents were well meaning and thoughtful, but rarely expensive or expected. After all my mom and dad weren't't that far removed from the days of getting excited over an orange in their stockings, if that. I've always been way more into the food, the tree, the lights and the togetherness. I don't think I would have dared to actually ask for something specific once I was past the Santa stage.

Because of this, I don't think I've ever been very good at giving gifts. I think I've probably given horrible gifts because I don't place so much stock in the idea and didn't't realize how much importance people place on them.

I married into a family that gives great thought to the practicality and desirability of their gifts. In fact, they anguish over it. But I was still taken aback when they asked me what I wanted for Christmas. When I told them I liked to be surprised they were also taken aback. At first they thought I was just being difficult. I was sincere. I think gifts should be just that, give me whatever you want, I will be grateful. I will appreciate it.

And as it became apparent I was a hopeless holiday shopper, my hustle-bustle loving husband has become the primary Christmas shopper. He starts worrying about it early in October and usually pulls out all the stops. In the spirit of Clark Griswold he truly wants everyone to have something fabulous, useful or both; the latest technology or timesaving device or even plane tickets. I usually know what he's getting me ahead of time and it's always very nice and needed. Once his family got to know what I liked, those things became my default present every year. I appreciate these gifts but just once I'd like to pull off the paper and find something unexpected, whether it's weird or wonderful, interesting or inexpensive.

I understand the reason behind gift registries and practicality but is there anyone else who finds the idea of ordering specific gifts a little disheartening?