Q My desktop computer keyboard is shared, and it's filthy. A co-worker says to clean it in the dishwasher. She swears it works and says it does no harm. I'm nervous about trying this. Does it work and is it safe? If so, how is it done?

A I hope your co-worker is talking about a home computer and not company property!

I'd be nervous, too. Even if it's just the keyboard, putting it through the dishwasher seems to break a primary rule of electronics: Keep liquids away.

"Keyboards were not designed to be cleaned in the dishwasher, so if you choose to do it, be prepared to purchase another one if it doesn't survive," said Anne Camden with Dell Computers.

That said, there are some keyboards that are dishwasher-safe. Designed for use in hospitals where cleanliness is imperative, these keyboards are sealed to moisture and dishwashing is recommended.

Unless you have one of those, putting your keyboard through the dishwasher is risky, and is not advised. Still, many have had success dishwashing their keyboards. Fixit reader Justin Schroeder is one of them and sent me this how-to:

• Take a close-up digital photo of the keyboard.

• Pop off all the keys with a screwdriver or fork. They should come off fairly easily, without force. (Some people don't bother removing the keys, but Schroeder does.)

• If it is a wireless keyboard, remove the batteries.

• Take the keys and place them in the silverware drawer of your dishwasher.

• Take your keyboard (cord and everything) and place it on the top shelf of the dishwasher facing down.

• Don't put any other dirty dishes in the appliance.

• Use regular detergent, and turn off any added heating options such as heated drying.

• Start the dishwasher on normal cycle.

• After the cycle completes, place the keyboard on its side against a wall, and spread the keys out on a table.

• Wait two or three days for it to air-dry.

• Using the digital photo as a guide, place the keys back on the keyboard.

• Plug it into your PC and enjoy your very clean, sanitized and fresh-smelling keyboard.

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