On the heels of that "MinniLeaks Daily" blockbuster about QB Brett Favre sending a "sexy text to his own wife" comes more evidence that Deanna Favre has forgiven him.

Mrs. Favre is in two of four photos on Vikings community relations guy Brad Madson's 2010 "'Tis The Season To Be Giving..." holiday card. The old QB is in three of the four pictures. And now that I've looked very closely, Madson is in all four pictures, although he's making a "Where's Waldo" appearance in the photo taken at Amplatz Children's Hospital, which captures the Favres in the same frame.

As you may know, "MinniLeaks Daily" is an early April Fool's gift from the Minnesota Daily, whose editors must like Wikileaks. Loved the "MinniLeaks" photo illustration of Mayor R.T. Rybak in drag, kids. It'd make a festive official holiday card, even though Mayor R.T.'s not as cute all dragged up as I'd have imagined.

Jimmy Jam & Fam

The postage stamp on the envelope looked like a new offering from the USPS featuring Arthur Ashe -- although the two people with the late gentleman of tennis didn't appear familiar.

Actually, it wasn't Ashe at all, but Tyler Harris wearing some updated Ashe-esque specs in a personalized-stamp photo that also included his siblings, twins Bella and Max. Inside, the elaborate card I received in the mail from the former Minnesota residents who now live in California also has a couple of rare photos of their dad, Jimmy Jam, without dark glasses. Wife and mom, Lisa Harris, is looking finer than one of the "Real Housewives of Beverly Hills," though she's got way too much sense for that.

Fun with the TSA

Those TSA agents at the MSP Airport security entrance I used were either too cool for school or not very observant. The latter would not be a good thing.

"I WANT A TSA AGENT WITH A SLOW HAND" read my cheeky T-shirt.

I knew it'd be funny when an editor involuntarily let out a yelping laugh when informed that I was having some shirts printed up to sell on my art website. And Gee Teez & Co.'s Terri Johnson couldn't stop laughing when I told her what to print on the shirts. Johnson can confirm that I ordered my shirts before the erotic "Saturday Night Live" spoof aired. "Yes, you did!" said Johnson, who also thought I might be detained at the airport because "They don't have much of a sense of humor."

Cowardly, I wore the tee as an undershirt on my first outing, when I flew to visit my mother for Thanksgiving, because she wouldn't have been amused by my missing dinner for being a wiseguy. Flying back to Minneapolis I encountered TSA agents in Alabama who noticed, appreciated and laughed.

Going to Detroit -- I was in vacation use-it-or-lose-it mode -- I went through an MSP security checkpoint and nooooobody appeared to notice. Not even the youngish TSA chick who engaged me for about 40 seconds, trying to pick a fight over whether my camera should be inside my luggage or among the items placed in the bin on its way through the X-ray machine. (I don't argue with TSA agents who are throwing around their weight. I keep the camera out as a reminder of another item I have to remove from my luggage once I clear security. TSA has its procedures; I have mine.)

Returning from Detroit, I encountered a rather large TSA agent in Motown who noticed my shirt immediately and started shaking his head, trying not to laugh. Those agents must have hand signals, because moments later other TSAers who were not in a position to have seen my shirt came over to eyeball it. One even pointed to a TSA guy and said, That agent over there is the one you want.

He was rather cute, and wouldn't we all be happier selecting our own TSA patter-downer? But this is business, not an eHarmony gathering. TSA agents are searching us for our own safety, crybabies. If that's what it takes, there'll be no whining from me.

There might be violent sobbing, though, from the poor TSA agent who has to look at my full-body scan.

Star-gazing in Fargo

Fergie and Josh Duhamel sightings should be on the rise across the border.

The UK's Mail captured a photo of the Black Eyed Peas singer and her North Dakota-born husband reportedly headed to Fargo for the holidays.

C.J. is at 612.332.TIPS or cj@startribune.com. E-mailers, please state a subject -- "Hello" doesn't count. Attachments are not opened, so don't even try. More of her attitude can be seen on FOX 9 Thursday mornings.