Greetings. Youngblood here. I was at practice today as Jerry got ready to head down to San Antonio.

Remember when we were all worried how the Wolves could avoid late-game collapses? Now all the talk is about how to start games off better.

It was the theme of the discussion coach Kurt Rambis had with his guys after practice, where he encouraged suggestions from everybody.

And he got some.

Michael Beasley and Kevin Love said all sorts of ideas were bandied about, from having better warmup music (OK, Love might have been joking about that), to coming out earlier for warmups to running harder through warmups to get a sweat going.

But I think Rambis had it right when he said it was just part of a young team learning how to be professionals, and by that he means each player doing what they have to do. "That's really their job," he noted. How true.

Here's one concrete bit of change: It looks like Corey Brewer might have earned himself a start in place of Wes Johnson at the two-guard spot after the way Brewer played defense in the second half Friday against Wes Matthews.

"Corey provides a lot for us, with his energy, his effort, his desire to play defense," Rambis said. "He has improved dramatically in his attention to detail, his focus, his game-plan execution. Just recently he's kind of got his shot back in order, much better form. that will give him a chance for a higher rate of success and confidence at that end of the floor. I like the way he's playing."

Rambis thinks Johnson might have hit a rookie wall and could benefit from coming off the bench.

Meanwhile, Beasley's limited minutes n the fourth quarter Friday was due to a tweaked ankle more than a sore hip. Beasley watched practice today but said he'd be playing tomorrow in San Antonio. And, we finally got a chance to ask him about those scratches on his cheek. "I got into a fight with a Tasmanian Devil," he said. When asked whether he got the better of it, he said, "Nah. I tried to grab him but it was too late."