When staffers leave political campaigns, they usually keep it fairly quiet.

Not Ray Sobocinski.

The (former) consultant for Republican Joel Demos' campaign to unseat Keith Ellison announced that he had had enough in a press release sent to Hot Dish yesterday.

"DEMOS CONSULTANT AND KEY STAFF LEAVE CAMPAIGN -- Departures Mark Directional Differences"

The release goes on to note that Sobocinski's consulting firm, Publius Strategies LLC, was announcing the "termination of its relationship" with the campaign.

Press reports indicate Sobocinski was once Wisconsin coordinator for John McCain's 2000 presidential bid.

Demos spokester Jack Tomczak said Sobocinski left on July 9 (no love lost here, Hot Dish suspects)

"We've done more in the last month than we had in the first six months of the year," Tomczak said.

FEC reports show Sobocinski's services -- totalling $10,000 -- make up for about half of all Demos campaign expenses so far.

Sobocinski did not immediately return a request for comment.