The traveler: Jon Hallberg of Minneapolis.

The scene: On a November night, people crowded into the main square of Bologna, Italy, for the annual Chocolate Festival. "I had just finished a cappuccino in a cafe with some traveling companions when we walked into Piazza Maggiore, one of the largest and oldest public squares in Italy, right in the heart of Bologna. We turned and saw this building, Palazzo del Podesta, with its neighboring tower shrouded in mist and fog, illuminated by lights. The scene took my breath away," he wrote in an e-mail.

The Trip: Hallberg was the physician for the recent St. Paul Chamber Orchestra strings tour to Rome, Bologna, Siena, Berlin and Vienna. "I loved Bologna, though we were only there for two nights," he wrote in an e-mail. The capital of Emilia-Romagna is home to Europe's oldest university and is a celebrated center of gastronomy, chocolate and otherwise.

How I got this shot: To make this moody photo, which focuses on the architecture while still capturing the bustling scene, Hallberg climbed the stairs of the building directly across the square, San Petronio Basilica, set his camera to its black and white mode, and steadied himself to take a hand-held shot.

The equipment: He took this photo with his Ricoh GR, a small pocket camera with a large APS-C sensor. "I'm especially fond of the way it renders black and white photos," he wrote.

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