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July 30, 2016
Rainwater used to run toward the front entry. New landscaping and an overhang redirect water.

New landscaping and overhang solve water problems at Minnetonka home

Landscaping and overhang fixes help water flow away from a Minnetonka house.
July 30, 2016
The kitchen was opened to the living room in the St. Louis Park rambler.

1958 St. Louis Park rambler gets 'Finnish lake home' makeover

An Eisenhower-era rambler in St. Louis Park was crying out for a makeover, telling its remodeling designer what it wanted to be — clean-lined, simple and quiet, like a midcentury modern Scandinavian home. You can have it for $550,000.
East Metro
July 30, 2016
The four-level suite was completed on July 14, 2016, is built around the structure of a 150 burr oak tree and uses over a dozen different species of w

Cottage Grove couple wrap $250K honeymoon treehouse around old bur oak

Michael and Paula Bushillas have spent the last few years making their 8-acre property into a shabby-chic, romantic venue for new brides and grooms.
Home & Garden
July 30, 2016
Built in in 1987, this three-bedroom, one-bath house has 1,864 finished square feet and features vaulted ceilings, hardwood floors, ful parti

Home listings: What $225,000 buys in the Twin Cities

July 30, 2016
Home plan: Bungalow charm and functionality

Home plan: Bungalow charm and functionality

July 30, 2016

Homegazing: For $550,000, a St. Louis Park rambler with 'Finnish lake home' makeover

An Eisenhower-era rambler in St. Louis Park was crying out for a makeover, telling its remodeling designer what it wanted to be — clean-lined, simple and quiet, like a midcentury modern Scandinavian home. You can have it for $550,000.
July 30, 2016
Garden writer and horticulturist Lynn Steiner, author of "Grow Native," in the cottage-style garden that surrounds her restored 1898 farmhouse in Wash

How to grow a garden with 'natural beauty'

Native plant expert Lynn Steiner shares strategies for creating a garden that's pleasing to the eye and to wildlife.
Home & Garden
July 30, 2016
This Columbia, Md., home that Jaclyn Riedel staged sold in two weeks after being on the market for a year. (Amy Davis/Baltimore Sun/TNS) ORG XMIT: 118

Dressed to sell: Home stagers master the art of appealing to buyers

Home stagers master the art of appealing to buyers.
Home & Garden
July 30, 2016

Natives and the neighbors: Planning, maintenance and communication go a long way

Planning, maintenance and communication help get neighbors on board with a natural garden.
July 29, 2016
Staging a home with a more modern look, like with this kitchen table, is important to sell a younger buyer on a home. “They want that glamorous

How to stage a home for millennial buyers

Staging the look they want is possible, even if the house is older than them.
Home & Garden
July 28, 2016
This Golden-winged Warbler among early fall migrants

This Golden-winged Warbler among early fall migrants

Very nice photo taken by Will Stenberg of Duluth
Home & Garden
July 28, 2016

Birder discovers a new whale species

He also got some good birds for his big year list
St. Paul
July 26, 2016
Photos by Jim Williams 1. A very young red-tailed hawk, still covered in down, peers from its nest in early summer.

Red-tailed hawk family finds home in Como area

Red-tails set up housekeeping in the front yard of a sleepy St. Paul neighborhood.
Home & Garden
July 26, 2016
Need a chimney inspection? Hire carefully

Need a chimney inspection? Hire carefully

When it comes to having a chimney inspection or chimney repairs, I only recommend working with a Certified Chimney Sweep (CCS).
July 23, 2016
Jevetta Steele poses for a portrait inside her renovated kitchen in Golden Valley. The kitchen makeover was filmed for the DIY Network show "I Hate My

Singer Jevetta Steele's new kitchen is a family gathering spot

Singer Jevetta Steele finally has the family gathering spot she's always wanted, thanks to a home-makeover TV show.
July 23, 2016

Singer Jevetta Steele's new kitchen is a family gathering spot

Singer Jevetta Steele finally has the family gathering spot she's always wanted, thanks to a home-makeover TV show.
Home & Garden
July 23, 2016
July 22, 2016
The home is decorated in a rainbow of bright floral wallpaper.

Woman behind 'wallpaper house' was a designer who loved bold look

A Golden Valley designer loved bright color, bold prints and florals from floor to ceiling. The result was a wallpaper-covered home that you can have for $674,900.

Home and Garden

Coverage of the latest trends in beautiful Minnesota gardens and home decor.