Your 10-year-old lies. A lot.

Is this normal? Extremely. A little annoying? Yep. Fixable? Totally.

"Children younger than 6 tell lies for a whole variety of reasons -- wishful thinking, not understanding the difference between reality and fantasy, for example," said Betsy Brown Braun, a child development and behavior specialist.

Her book "You're Not the Boss of Me" devotes a chapter to honesty.

"Older kids tell lies so they won't get in trouble, first and foremost," she said.

Not that it works, of course, since now you're upset at both the infraction and the ensuing dishonesty.

But there are ways to curtail this misguided behavior.

Let's say you caught your child sneaking extra iPad time after you asked her to shut it down for the night.

Don't set a lie into motion. "If you know your child is not going to tell you the truth, don't put her in a position to lie," Brown Braun said. "That's manipulative."

So skip the pointless "Were you playing on the iPad instead of doing your homework?" which is going to get you the inevitable (and untrue) "No!" Instead, say to your child: "'You were playing on your iPad when I told you not to. You broke our rule and the consequence is this,'" she said. "And then you impose your appropriate consequence."

Solicit her input. "Involve her in solving the problem about which she is lying," she said. "Maybe a need isn't being met.

"Say to your child, 'This isn't working for us. What can I do to help you do what you want to do and also follow the rules in our family? Can you come to me and say [that you've] finished your homework and really want to watch a show?' Then decide if you can meet her partway. One possibility: 'You've already used your hour. Do you want to use part of tomorrow's hour?' Find a solution together."

Show her the error of her ways. "Kids are going to make mistakes," she said. "I like to remind them [that] everybody does things we shouldn't do. We figure out what we should do by doing what we shouldn't do. When you own your missteps, there will be a consequence. But if you don't take responsibility for your missteps, not only will there be a consequence for the mistake, but also a consequence for not telling the whole truth. I call it double-trouble."