Remember yesterday's fascinating exchange between Jack Black and Angelina Jolie? It was an example of movie stars in Promo Mode, talking to reporters about the most agreeably inane stuff you can imagine, just so there's something to write about. Here's today's example:

Surely there's more to it than that, Selma. More! More!

I don't think they spontaneously offered cat-related tales; they were probably asked if they drew on any experiences to voice the computer-animated creatures. This would have been a fine time to stare at the reporter with either amusement or incredulity - your choice! - and ask "do you mean, was I ever 18 inches tall, walked on my hind paws, wore period costumes and conversed with enormous green ogres? No. It's called acting. Sometimes we just have to make it all up."

Here's the trailer.

There was also some dispute about their wardrobe combo; As you can tell by the photo above, she's in red, he's wearing jeans. It was a bit more stark than that.