November 11, 2017
The Minnesota State Capitol in the evening sun. ] GLEN STUBBE ï glen.stubbe@startribune.com Thursday, September 28, 2017 EDS, AVAILABLE FOR ANY A

Sex harassment allegations are challenging State Capitol culture

Those who regularly pass through the Capitol share stories of a proverbial small world that can enable untoward behavior.
November 11, 2017
A pedestrian walks past a reflection of the U.S. Capitol in rain puddle at daybreak in Washington, Sunday, Aug. 13, 2017. (AP Photo/J. David Ake)

Primaries are right around the corner – here are some races to watch

They are the first test of each party's ability to field strong candidates in key pickup opportunities and fend off intraparty challenges.
November 11, 2017
Caught in the middle, Hodges squeezed out in Minneapolis

Caught in the middle, Hodges squeezed out in Minneapolis

Minneapolis Mayor Betsy Hodges mounted a re-election bid this year based on the same messages that had won over so many of the city's voters. But this time many of the same people who propelled Hodges into office voted to replace her. On Election Day, she became only the second Minneapolis mayor in 40 years to run for a second term and lose.
November 10, 2017
State Rep. Tony Cornish, a Republican, is denying allegations that he sexually harassed women at the Capitol. ] GLEN STUBBE • glen.stubbe@startribun

Ex-GOP Speaker Zellers says he warned Cornish

"I believe he should resign" and apologize, says the former GOP House speaker.
November 10, 2017

Republican tax plans both would increase the federal deficit

Both GOP bills would add $1.5 trillion in a decade.
November 10, 2017
Allegations of sexual harassment at the State Capitol widened as two women came forward with reports of sexual harassment by GOP state Rep. Tony Corni

Lawmaker, lobbyist accuse Rep. Cornish of sexual harassment

Late Thursday, House Speaker Kurt Daudt suspended Sen. Tony Cornish's chairmanship and called for a human resources investigation of the allegations, which Cornish denies.
November 10, 2017
Lisa Klenk and her husband Phillip Klenk, both veterans, live in Winthrop, MN at the end of this mile-long driveway. Lisa has been the Sibley County V

Veterans, especially in rural Minnesota, look on as lawmakers try to overhaul health care

Lawmakers working to fix much-maligned Choice Program.
November 10, 2017
FILE - In this Aug. 8, 2016 file photo, Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore speaks to the media during a news conference in Montgomery, Ala. Moore appeare

Woman: Ala. candidate Moore initiated sexual contact she was 14

Moore, now the Republican nominee for a U.S. Senate seat, was in his 30s at the time.
East Metro
November 10, 2017
DFL State Sen. Dan Schoen, shown in 2016, denies allegations that he sexually harassed women involved in state politics.

Dayton calls on state Sen. Schoen to resign over harassment reports

Amid allegations against Sen. Dan Schoen, a DFL state representative says sexual harassment is "bigger than one senator" at Capitol.
November 9, 2017
A Sun Country airplane was being prepared for take off early Friday, July 22, 2011, at the Humphrey terminal in Bloomington, MN.] (ELIZABETH FLORES/ST

Sun Country drops plan for Cuba flights, citing politics

The local airline had rights to fly directly from MSP to Matanzas and Santa Clara, but not Havana, the country's capital.
November 9, 2017

Senators back push for stepped up tracking of medical devices

Two U.S. senators are urging the agency that controls Medicare to support putting the full serial numbers for medical devices into insurance-claims forms to better track how poorly performing devices affect federal spending and patient health.
November 9, 2017
Minneapolis Mayor-elect Frey: We're going to get to work

Minneapolis Mayor-elect Frey: We're going to get to work

The 36-year-old City Council member defeated incumbent Mayor Betsy Hodges and 14 other candidates in Tuesday's election. He will take office in January.
East Metro
November 9, 2017
DFL State Sen. Dan Schoen, shown in 2016, denies allegations that he sexually harassed women involved in state politics.

Minn. state senator accused of harassment

Minnesota lawmakers called on DFL Sen. Dan Schoen to step down over the allegations, described in a report as "persistent and unwanted invitations to meet to physically grabbing a woman from behind." Schoen has denied the allegations, saying they were false or taken out of context.
November 8, 2017
Sen. Majority Leader Paul Gazelka

Minn. Senate faces December furloughs, shutdown

Amid a budget stalemate with the governor, Senate Majority Leader Paul Gazelka said the Senate will run out of money Dec 1.
November 8, 2017
St. Paul mayoral candidate Melvin Carter celebrated his win Tuesday night with family and friends at Union Depot.

Melvin Carter wins mayor race in St. Paul; Frey leads in Mpls.

Carter spent much of the night with 50 percent of the vote in the mayor's race, outpacing Pat Harris. In Minneapolis, Jacob Frey led early among a tight and crowded mayoral race.
November 8, 2017
How ranked-choice voting works

How ranked-choice voting works

A candidate could win the first round, but lose the election. It can be confusing, so here's a guide to how votes are counted in Minneapolis and St. Paul elections.
November 7, 2017
November 7, 2017
Municipal liquor stores, such as this one in Edina's 50th and France shopping district, generate income for many cities around the state.

Municipal liquor stores saw record sales in 2016, but profits lagged

Competitive pressure could be partly to blame.
November 7, 2017

Today's Election Day: Find Minneapolis, St. Paul races and resources here

Not sure who's on your ballot? For major Minneapolis and St. Paul races, you'll get resources like campaign finance reports to help you research.
November 6, 2017
Christopher Wenk, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce's executive director for international policy, on Capitol Hill in Washington, Oct. 24, 2017. Dozens of

As NAFTA talks heat up, Minnesota ag, other industries weigh in

Minnesota agriculture and industry concerned about future of the agreement.

Minnesota Politics

Latest politics news from the Twin Cities, Minnesota and Washington, D.C., including Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, the Minnesota Legislature, Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey, St. Paul Mayor Melvin Carter.