Those inside the Xcel Energy Center may have devoured the red meat served up in Republican Vice President Sarah Palin's speech, but a panel of undecided voters put together by the Detroit Free Press weren't sold.

"Originally, I was a not too happy about McCain's choice for a running mate, Sarah Palin … However, after her speech tonight I am beginning to see her in a different light. She seems like a real fighter, someone who would stick it to the lobbyist and special-interest groups that have run ramped in Washington. Her perspective between Obama and McCain was brilliant. … Palin hit it on the nail, the Democratic Party is about big government and high taxes. McCain has walked the walk on change while Obama has to date only talked the talk about change.

Walter E. Capers, 41, Highland Republican

"Palin is a far better orator than McCain. But the tone of her speech is sarcastic, mean-spirited and divisive. Apparently, her role is to look good and throw out red meat for the base. … Palin has repeated her lie about 'saying no' to the bridge from nowhere. Has she no shame?"

James Melton, 45, Detroit Democrat

"Sarah Palin came out strong, confident, articulate, and she connected well. This was her introduction, and it went well. I am looking foward to the VP debate where she can continue to demonstrate how ready she is. She is going to give Biden a run for his money."

Jacki Shipley, 42, Plymouth Republican

"Palin delivered a good speech but I am not convinced she has the experience to carry her through tough debates with Biden or to be vice president. It was a well crafted and well written speech but given it was her big debut, I would not expect anything less from Republican speech writers. I believe the real test will come when she begins to answer tough questions and debates with Joe Biden."

Aurora Torres, 27, Democrat

"Sarah Palin came across as the small town girl who made good. I knew that I disagreed with her on some issues before this evening. After listening to her speech … it appears that once she makes up her mind, that is the end of it. We live in a gray world, not every answer is black and white."

Diane Murphy, 42, Sterling Heights independent

"Watching Sarah Palin's speech tonight put a smile on my face. She was humorous when appropriate and cleared up some misconceptions that I had made of her. She does seem to have the knowledge of America's problems today, but I think she needed to put more emphasis on the issues of the present rather than what has already been accomplished. … Overall, she is for sure going to make this election more interesting and I look forward to what the next couple months bring."

Nicole Perry, 34, Wyandotte Democrat

"I was completely underwhelmed. She was a Republican novelty act with a sophomoric script. It was not even a speech I would expect for a someone running for the local PTA, much less for vice president."

George Lentz, 66, Southfield independent

"Who is Sarah Palin? I'm sorry but I still don't know anymore about this young lady tonight than I did last night … The way it looks to me, she's the Republican vice presidential nominee for one reason: because Hillary wasn't selected."

Mike Kosh, 38, West Bloomfield independent

"Sarah Palin is a self-described 'pitbull with lipstick.' She spent little time helping Americans learn who she is. She is a cool, poised speaker, but her speech contained few statements about policy or the party platform. … I am not convinced that Palin's experience as a mayor or governor in Alaska meet the qualifications to be vice president much less one stroke or heart attack away from being commander in chief."

Ilene Beninson, 52, Berkley independent

"Nothing worked for me. I found her barrage of snide remarks and distortions to be a major turn off. She is not a class act. The most important point she made is that she will be an effective attack dog."

Jan Wheelock, 58, Royal Oak independent

"Sarah got as much applause as Hillary did, and had a friendly, appealing appearance. Her delivery style reminded me of a high school valedictorian who also might have been a cheerleader. I thought she would appear more professional, more stateswomanly. She's no match for Joe Biden."

Joellen Gilchrist, 64, Beverly Hills independent