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Faye Flam, Bloomberg View
September 5, 2017
Paul Lachine/NewsArt

Americans are a little too relaxed about using nukes

The taboo against these weapons seems to depend on who would be on the receiving end, and on an increasingly fuzzy perspective about the consequences.
Marie A. Failinger, Kendra Brodin, Mike Essien, Ben Kwan and Lariss Maldonado
September 5, 2017
David R. Stras; Minnesota Supreme Court associate justice, Seat 4; 2012.myVote id: 50121 ORG XMIT: MIN2017060219110935

Counterpoint: Diversity and transparency needed in Stras nomination, not a rubber stamp

Sens. Klobuchar and Franken are right to be taking their time.
Bonnie Blodgett
September 2, 2017
Illustration by Edel Rodriguez, Special to the Star Tribune

We, humans, are our own worst enemy

Humanity has tamed nature, only to unbalance the climate and place all life in peril.
Editorial, Rochester Post-Bulletin
September 2, 2017

Rochester feels the pain of 'senior tsunami'

The home of Destination Medical Center already feels the caregiver shortage.
Paul H. Anderson and Rudy Boschwitz
September 1, 2017

Broad, deep support for Stras nomination comes from both sides of the aisle

Lawyers, professors, lawmakers, justices all agree that Stras should be confirmed.
September 1, 2017
Flags fly from a truck in Rockport, Texas, on Tuesday, Aug. 29, 2017, following Hurricane Harvey. (Rachel Denny Clow/Corpus Christi Caller-Times/TNS)

Lessons learned from Hurricane Sandy

The road to recovery in Texas will be long and arduous.
Andrew Cilek
September 1, 2017
Voters cast their ballots at a voting center in Minneapolis Friday, Sept. 23, 2016. Friday kicked off the state's early voting period, making Minnesot

Counterpoint: Article on voting lawsuit used misleading statistic

Citing an irrelevant, limited study was an unfair attack on our Minnesota Voters Alliance case that seeks state election data.
Editorial, Bloomberg View
September 1, 2017

The moral and economic cases for young immigrants are clear

Dreamers didn't come here as lawbreakers, and the economy needs them.
D.J. Tice
September 1, 2017

State government funding power grabs, part two: The auditor's case

If DFLer Dayton wins his case, it seems, DFLer Otto must lose.
Lori Sturdevant
September 1, 2017

Electric-car revolution spells (more) trouble for Minnesota's road funding

Legislature has laid at least some plans for motoring trends.
Bryan Dowd
September 1, 2017
300 dpi Jeff Durham color illustration of elephant and donkey (in their traditional political context); on a racetrack, the donkey is a bit glum and t

Talk about privilege is best focused on policy

That, after all, is where changes could be made that are less about identity and virtue and more about practical results. Examples:
Dick Schwartz
September 1, 2017
Minneapolis scrappers say the city has cracked down too hard on them, as they try to make a tough but legitimate livelihood turning scrap into money f

Lessons in work — and life — from the scrap yard

How this suburban, long-haired hippie kid got a real job and got the chip off his shoulder. And how he got the scar to prove it.
Greg Russ and Tamir Mohamud
September 1, 2017

Counterpoint: Partnerships can help with public housing

Traditional funding is thin; private investors can play a constructive, nonthreatening role.
Liam Hoare
September 1, 2017
GLEN STUBBE • Monday, January 29, 2007 -- Bloomington, Minn. -- Northwest Airlines DC-9 jet lands at Minneapolis St. Pa

Commemorative history: MSP airport has its own ugly connection — Charles Lindbergh

Time for the airport — gateway to Minnesota — to fully detach the name of a Nazi sympathizer.
Derek Donovan, Kansas City Star (TNS)
September 1, 2017
Chris Van Es/NewsArt

Thought experiment: Seven months into the Hillary Clinton administration …

A scandal-ridden White House, with TV dominated by a preening populist … . Well. All's well that ends well, no?
Erik Wemple, The Washington Post
September 1, 2017
Sarah Palin speaks during a panel discussion before a preview of the film "Climate Hustle" on Capitol Hill, on Thursday, April 14, 2016, in Washington

The New York Times still owes Sarah Palin an apology

America's protections for 'rowdy' journalism are vast. But is it so hard to admit when you're wrong?
Marc A. Thiessen, The Washington Post
August 31, 2017
Antifa protesters dressed in black, demonstrate during a “Stand Against Hate” rally at Martin Luther King Jr. Civic Center Park in Berke

Yes, antifa is the moral equivalent of neo-Nazis

When you've seen one murderous totalitarian ideology, you've seen them all.
Editorial, Dallas Morning News
August 31, 2017

After Katrina, Houston stepped up for the Gulf Coast

Now the Texas rescuer is in need of rescue in the wake of Harvey devastation.
Cecil Smith
August 31, 2017

Don't tie the hands of property owners who want to help with affordable housing

Leadership and public-private partnerships could help Twin Cities region tackle this crisis.
Kelly Fenton
August 31, 2017

Hold state accountable for Commerce Department's abuse of power

As the ruling in favor of Safelite shows, we're wasting millions on legal fees instead of protecting consumers.
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