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Michael J. Hicks
May 6, 2016
A crowd of protesters and supporters outside the Statehouse, where Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont, a Democratic presidential hopeful, spoke, in Indian

'Bring back jobs' promise? It is, quite simply, a lie

Midwesterners longing for a return to a manufacturing heyday of the 1960s need to look elsewhere for answers than to the misleading slogans of Sanders and Trump.
Richard Davis, Scott Wine and Doug Baker
May 6, 2016

Minnesota businesses need transit, and we need it now

As CEOs of the Twin Cities' major employers, we ask legislators to seize this opportunity.
Norm Coleman
May 5, 2016
FILE -- Drillers for Twin Metals, at a site near the Kiwishiwi River, pulled a core sample from the drill pipe.

Norm Coleman: Dayton pulls an 'Obama' in denying mineral leases

His unilateral decision on Twin Metals project skirts due process.
Bernie Hunhoff
May 5, 2016
Paul McCartney at the end of "Hard Day's Night," the opening song of his set Wednesday night. ] JEFF WHEELER ï Paul

Counterpoint: Gee, did you have to slam South Dakota — again?

Minnesotans, stop looking down your noses. You might even want to live here.
Lori Davis
May 5, 2016
FILE - In this May 13, 2010 file photo, St. Cloud State third-baseman Sam Radbil celebrates after hitting a two-run home run during the Division II Ce

It's unfair to pick on college athletes to push an agenda

Dayton and MnSCU are pitting one state against another over bathroom bill.
Editorial, St. Cloud Times
May 5, 2016
Conductor J.R. Long waked by the Northstar Commuter Rail at Target Field on Tuesday. ] CARLOS GONZALEZ ï , July 19, 201

There's room for legislative compromise on Northstar to St. Cloud

It's worth trying a short-term experiment rather than a $43 million plan.
John Kass
May 5, 2016
In a two photo combination, Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump, left, in Iowa on Jan. 30, 2016, and Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary

The Hillary vs. The Donald: What difference, at this point, does it make?

One of them will be president. Maybe we deserve it.
Arne Carlson and Gerald Sikorski
May 4, 2016
Jeff Durham and Chuck Todd illustration/ Bay Area News Group/TNS ORG XMIT: 1119200

How 'dialing for dollars' has perverted Congress

Our elected representatives can't govern if they are acting part-time as telemarketers. It's time to put the phone down — and lead.
Ellen Krug
May 4, 2016

For transgender people like me, Target's bathroom policy offers hope

The company's brave stand on its restroom policy is affirming and heartwarming.
May 4, 2016

The same old suspects fight attempts to control high cost of prescription drugs

Doctors, pharmaceutical companies are bucking reasonable reforms.
Ramesh Ponnuru, Bloomberg View
May 4, 2016
Donald Trump speaks at his Indiana primary night event at Trump Tower in New York, May 3, 2016.

Trump at apogee: Beating Clinton won't be so easy.

Even when unified, the GOP has struggled in presidential races for a quarter century.
Ramesh Ponnuru, Bloomberg View
May 3, 2016
Donald Trump took a major step toward sewing up the Republican presidential nomination Tuesday with a victory in Indiana's primary election.

Do you hate Trump voters? You've got a problem

An intelligent and decent person shouldn't back Donald Trump — but an intelligent and decent person nonetheless might.
Joshua J. Whitfield
May 3, 2016
Pedro Molina/NewsArt

'Lucifer in the flesh' and our age of insults

Former Speaker Boehner's characterization of Ted Cruz was, yeah, kind of funny, but is there no one to guide us away from the gutter?
Rogelio Salinas
May 3, 2016

School discipline: Chart a path toward 'a world that is not yet'

Minnesota recently voted down a dangerous "expulsion bill" that would have discriminated against students of color like me. Here's why it matters to the rest of the country — and what legislators should vote for instead.
Raymond A. Smith
May 3, 2016
In a two photo combination, Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump, left, in Iowa on Jan. 30, 2016, and Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary

Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton should name their entire Cabinets right now

It "takes a village," after all. Wouldn't we benefit from knowing the participants in advance?
Paula Dwyer, Bloomberg View (TNS)
May 3, 2016

Universal basic income should be the next big thing

It's more than a policy wonk's fantasy — and it should hold appeal across ideologies.
Michele Maiers
May 2, 2016
Jeff Goldstein works on a client inside his studio Uptown Massage in Minneapolis. ] LEILA NAVIDI / BACKGROUND INFORMATION

In Minnesota, standards for massage therapy and other body work are overdue

The work is important, as are consistent expectations. However, we've fallen behind.
Jack B. Osborn
May 2, 2016

Lincoln hadn't. Prince hadn't. Have you? (Made a will.)

It's easy to procrastinate — to avoid making crucial decisions — but know that the planning will pay off.
Mark Buchanan Bloomberg View
May 2, 2016
Rick Nease/Detroit Free Press/TNS

Climate change: The psychology of inaction

Future threats are a mental blind spot for us — and they always have been — but there are ways to get around that.
Jonathan Bernstein, Bloomberg View
May 2, 2016
Gov. John Kasich of Ohio, a Republican presidential hopeful, speaks to reporters while eating breakfast at the Penrose Diner in Philadelphia, April 25

How John Kasich has helped beget Donald Trump

He's the front-runner's deadliest weapon. Still.
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