Peilen,Thomas Benjamin a/k/a St. Thomas, Man of Iron Age 59, passed away the morning of August 25 from complications of multiple sclerosis. He was preceded in death by parents, Edith and Benjamin Peilen. His ashes will be interred along with them at Temple of Aaron Cemetery. Tom passed on in his sleep at his ACR group home in New Brighton. He had the good fortune to spend the last nine years in the caring gentle hands of the incredible staff at his home. They truly loved him. He was easy to love because of his warm, genuine smile and his gentle nature. He was able to get out 2 - 3 times a week mostly with his guardian and companion, and also with the staff. He enjoyed movies, music, laughter, yoga, the State Fair, walks in the park; if we could get a wheelchair in we went. Perhaps his biggest recent event was the Rolling Stones this June where he partied hearty. A well-deserved glorious journey to you St. Thomas, Man of Iron, you will be deeply missed and long remembered.

Published on August 27, 2015

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