Bromschwig, Robert Irvin Born in St. Louis in 1924, flown west March 6, 2023. Bob grew up in Springfield IL, migrated to Minneapolis for a pilot career at Northwest Airlines, raised his family in Golden Valley and Deephaven, then split his retirement years between Gull Lake and Naples FL. He considered himself a fortunate man. His passion for flight developed early. At the age of 18 he enlisted in the Army Air Corps. He landed in Wattisham, England in 1944 as a member of the 434th Fighter Squadron in 479th Fighter Group of the Eighth Army Air Force. As a P-51 fighter pilot he escorted bombing raids over Europe for the last year of WWII. He loved that fast plane. In April 1945 he stretched his plane to the limits, shooting down one of the new German jets. Bob was proud of his service. After the war Bob returned to Springfield, taught flying and attended college. There he met and courted his wife Margaret Copp on the ground and in the air, sometimes traveling by small plane for dates. As an only child he was happy to join Marge's big happy family; she was the oldest of 7. They married in 1949, and immediately moved to Minneapolis, where Northwest Airlines would pay him money to fly big airplanes. His career as an NWA pilot spanned 40 years, flying every plane they had; DC-4s to Tokyo on the Great Circle Route stopping to fuel up at Edmonton, Anchorage and Shemya Island in the Western Aleutians. Stratocruisers to Idylwild, Electras to O'Hare. Finally his dream came true and he was flying jets. He retired as a 747 Captain, the heaviest plane in the fleet. He offered flying lessons to all his children, and was very proud of his son and grandson, who are airline pilots today and his granddaughters who also have learned to fly. Bob was truly part of the jet set of the 60's.... he and Marge made a dashing couple. They traveled the world, sometimes taking the kids to what were then exotic, different places; the Florida Keys, the Worlds Fair, Hawaii, Hong Kong, Aspen, Indonesia. He treated his kids to surfboards, dune buggy rentals, helicopter rides, boat rides, soap box racers, deep sea fishing, skiing, hang gliding. Anything that was fun and moved, preferably fast. He taught his kids major life lessons; how to ride a bike, do math in your head, budget a monthly allowance, drive AND change the oil in a car, how to use a toolbox. Especially, how to be on time. He set us up to be independent, confident people, successful in life. He was a great Dad; you always knew he was there when you needed him. He provided for his family in grand fashion. Bob was a very fun guy who loved music, played accordion with great vigor, and listened to pipe organ music so loud it shook the house. He played killer tennis, was a fabulous bartender and loved to laugh with family and friends. He expertly maintained the family fleet of bicycles, cars, boats, and airplanes. He could fix the house and everything in it. He was so very happy with his wife, his children, his life. He was the Captain of our ship and he will be deeply missed. Bob was predeceased by his parents, Irv and Dorothy (Henneman) Bromschwig, his wife Margaret (Copp) Bromschwig and infant daughter Monika. He is survived by his children Marlena (Bob Barnett) Bromschwig, Marta (Mitchell) Galnick, Kurt (Lisa) Bromschwig, and grandchildren Eric (Katie), Michelle and Monika Bromschwig. Special thanks to the Bistro and Front Desk Ladies at Summit Place in Eden Prairie, his last home. The family is very grateful for the wonderful care provided by Park Nicollet Hospice and The NC Little Memorial Hospice as well. Memorials preferred to Services have been held.

Published on March 19, 2023

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