Ludeke, Russell James Passed away on 1/13/2022 from idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis at age 81. He is survived by his wife and best friend, Margaret "Peg" Getman, children Steven Getman Ludeke (Laura Sunder-Plassmann), Micah Getman Ludeke and two grandchildren, Mathilde and Jasper. Russ grew up in California, completed a tour of duty in the US Navy as a photographer, before graduating from the University of California at Berkeley. Moving to Minnesota, he completed a PhD at the University of Minnesota and enjoyed a long career providing diagnostic and therapeutic psychological services at the Minneapolis Clinic of Psychiatry and Neurology and working as a consultant for Social Security Disability. His favorite interests included cross country skiing, golfing, biking, reading and classical music. Guestbook:

Published on January 16, 2022

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